Beat the Winter Blues with Blah-Busting Yellows!

I love the color yellow, and every happy emotion that the color yellow makes you feel! Be it in fashion, flowers, cars, houses, etc., the color yellow shouts sunshine and abundant happiness.

If you read color charts and color descriptions, yellow is commonly associated with reason, optimism and pleasure. If yellow is your favorite color, it means that you are ambitious and eager to please. If yellow is your second, third, or fourth favorite color, you are positive, optimistic and you look to the future, never backwards. You find life easy, free from worry, and you lead a carefree life, but this does not mean that you are lazy!

Think back to school when you learned about the color wheel. The warm colors are yellow, orange and red, while the cool colors are green, blue and violet.

How does a person beat the winter blues and warm themselves up through the cold, rainy, dreary, snowy days?  Think yellow, yellow, yellow, and then yellow!

This is definitely true to fashion in fashion! When you wear yellow, you stand out. Yellow clothing is attention grabbing, uplifting, and makes a powerful statement. Think about the men’s power tie. What color is the power tie? Yellow!

Yellow demands you to look. Yellow firetrucks stand out on the road even more than red firetrucks, and what about yellow sports cars? Have you ever seen a yellow Corvette or Porsche whisking down the freeway that doesn’t look like it is hauling compared to all of the other cars? Yellow fades other colors away, as your eye is drawn to the sunny hue.

Take a look at these yellow fashion garments and see if your mood doesn’t brighten:


So much for mellow yellow! Yellow is bright, brilliant and bedazzling!

So who cares if the weather outside in winter is generally cold, depressing and drab? Invite spring in early and drape yourself in yellow! It is the perfect remedy to beat the blahs!

Yellow: the perfect blah-buster! Simply simple!


Watch for Nancy’s next book in her award winning murder mystery series, Deadly Decisions – A Natalie North Novel, coming to bookstores and online bookstores in February  2017.

Nancy Mangano is an American fashion journalist and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Visit Nancy on her author website, Twitter @, her fashion magazine Strutting in Style! at, and her Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano

About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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