Fun Fashion for Winter Weather!

Is fun fashion and winter weather an oxymoron? Well, yes and no!

With so much of  the country facing cold, winter weather today, I thought I would have some fun and merely show some great fashion picks for cold, rainy, snowy, blustery winter days.

Here in Southern California we’re under rainy, hailing and snowing skies, depending where you are, and I am already ready for the glorious sunshine that is a staple of this state to come back out and smile down on us.

Thaw me back out!

I am definitely a cold weather wimp!

This week is New York Fashion Week, and the designer dud shows are going on in full force, albeit inside heated buildings, as New York and other east coast areas are experiencing blizzard conditions outside. So, I shouldn’t complain about a wet day with what I consider downright freezing temperatures, now should I?


Yet, I do!

I thrive in 95 degree, dry desert heat. When everyone around me is sweltering and blaring their air conditioners, I am in heaven all cozy and hot! If given a choice between my heater and my air conditioner, my heater would win hands down. My son once told me that I should  have been born on the sun, and I myself have said that I should have been born a lizard.

Lizard’s Life: Live in the hot desert heat, park myself on a rock and absorb the wonderful, beating hot rays of sun warming me inside and out! 

I could do that, and be quite happy.

What’s the best part of  baking for me? Opening up the 350 degree oven to remove the cookies and the hot, dry burst of oven air hits you square and warms your bones. I love it!

So, do I snow ski much? I’ve never tried it.

Am I missing out? I’ve never missed it!

However, one perk of bearing through the near unbearable cold weather for me is the heavy, stylish, winter clothes. The fun fashion doesn’t help 100 percent, as I truly believe that I would function quite nicely in 85 degree, sunny, clear days 365 days a year. But form-fitted jackets, hats and gloves do add some spice to trudging through the snow and ice and make the freezing weather a bit more nice!


So survive the bleak, blustery days of inclement weather by dolling yourself up in divine winter duds!



Is it summer yet?

Wake me when it’s warm!



About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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