Bring Out the True Beauty of Your Eyes With False Eyelashes!

If eyes are the window to your soul, then eyelashes can be referred to as the framing of your window!

Nothing makes your eyes shimmer and stand out more than long, thick, extended, gorgeous eyelashes!

One of the first things a person notices when looking at someone’s face is their eyes. Whether your eyes are round, almond shaped, oval, large, small, brown, blue, green or violet, the eyes speak a language all of their own. Eyes can draw a person into you, and when those eyes are decorated with eye shadow, eyeliner, or even only mascara coated or false eyelashes, you can cast your magic over them and draw them in with your majestic charm. 

Simply with the blink of an eye!


Eyes do more than see! Even closed eyes! Eyes talk! Loudly! 

Who can resist the batting of beautiful eyes?  Here are five easy steps to applying false eyelashes:

  1. Measure the length of the false eyelash to make sure it fits your actual eye length.
  2. Take both edges of the false lash and bend them to create a C shape and hold for a couple of seconds.
  3. Apply a high quality glue for long lasting results. Put the glue on a Qtip or a toothpick and glide the glue across the false lash strip.
  4. Apply the lash to the base of your natural lash line, not on the skin of the eyelid. The glue won’t be noticeable when it dries.
  5. Apply mascara over the false lashes to give the eyelashes a natural finish.

Note: When removing the eyelashes, do not pull or tug, as you can rip out some of your regular eyelashes. Ouch!

The alluring illusion that false eyelashes create is incredible. When I see someone wearing false eyelashes, I think they look absolutely stunning, regardless of their eye color or their eye shape.

False eyelashes are fetching!


False eyelashes are that simple to apply, yet the striking look that they provide is unforgettable.

Think Hollywood glamour and Hollywood starlets. Who can resist the enchanting, true beauty of these eyes, accentuated with false eyelashes?


Wearing false eyelashes can be fun and fearless. You can experiment with various lengths and a variety of shades of mascara.  


Tip: To add sparkle and even more luster to your false eyelashes, apply a coat of dark eyeliner to both the bottom and the upper eyelid. The look is exquisite!

As a true lover of style, the makeup that I most prefer for myself is mascara and lipstick/lip gloss. However, (and this would be difficult), if I could only wear one type of makeup, I would have to go with the mascara. A completely bare face with only mascara (or false eyelashes)  to bring out the true gorgeousness of your eyes looks magnificent! 

Why? Because long. luscious, lengthy lashes are absolutely lovely!



Makeup is fun! Makeup is creative! Makeup is art!

So bat your baby blues, or gorgeous greens, or beautiful browns or valiant violets with the aid of thick, false eyelashes.

You’ll turn the heads of all of the eyes in the room!

All eyes will be on you, you long lashed beauties!


Author Nancy Mangano has blended her love of writing and her life long love of fashion/style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Chat with her through her author website at, her author/style blog at, Twitter @nancymangano and Facebook Nancy Mangano.



About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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