Suit Yourself in Your Selected Mode of Pantsuit!

Women’s pantsuits! Highly fashionable! Highly businesslike! Highly popular!

In the wardrobe world, a pantsuit (or pant suit), also known as a trouser suit outside of the USA, is a woman’s suit of clothing consisting of pants and a matching or coordinating coat or jacket. The pants can be straight legged, flaired, high waisted, hip hugging, tight or loose. The coat or jacket can be short, long, straight, tapered at the waist, ruffled, etc. And as I have said, that is the beauty of fashion! In the realm of your wardrobe, you can find most any pantsuit that suits you and your unique style sense.


Formerly, before the pantsuit became a popular mode of dress for females, the prevailing fashion for women included some form of a coat or jacket, but the coat was paired with a skirt or a dress. It wasn’t until the 1920s, when a small number of women adopted a masculine style, that women’s pantsuits came into mainstream culture.

Through the years, pantsuits gradually became acceptable business wear for women. In 1966, designer Yves Saint-Laurent introduced his Le Smoking, an evening pantsuit for women that resembled a man’s tuxedo.

Pantsuits are ideal for office wear, but the comfortable, practical outfit can be worn for numerous occasions. Depending on the shoes that you slip your feet into with the pantsuit, the accessories that you jewel yourself up with, and the blouse or top that you choose to wear under the coat, the same pantsuit can be worn as casual attire or as evening wear as well.

Fashion Tip: You can change the aura of the pantsuit merely by what handbag you carry. The dressier the bag, the fancier the suit will appear.


Pantsuits were often labeled as inappropriately masculine clothing for women. Until the 1990s, women were not permitted to wear pantsuits in the United States Senate. Today, pantsuits are an acceptable, and often preferred, choice of clothing for women over dresses and skirts.

There are several advantages for wearing pantsuits, including comfort and reducing the need for nylons, pantyhose and/or stockings. Modesty comes into play also. When a woman wears a pantsuit, she cannot be the victim of upskirt photography or accidentally exposing herself when leaning over or sitting awkwardly. 

Many prominent women are fond of the pantsuit when making public appearances. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, Hilary Clinton, United States former First Lady, and Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, are all fans of the woman’s pantsuit.

In addition to the businesslike image that pantsuits radiate, if you are feeling particularly daring or risque, wearing the pantsuit without a blouse or top underneath the coat or jacket makes a youthful, trendy fashion statement!


Be confident enough to suit yourself with your choice of pantsuit, and listen to your inner glamour girl rather than to the opinions of others!

A well-known type of pantsuit that is a staple of high fashion is the pinstripe suit! Pinstripe suits were originally worn by the style-conscious British. The pinstripe suit is distinctively known by the thin vertical lines that run symmetrically down the jacket and the pants. Pinstripe suits come in a variety of colors and a myriad of style cuts.


The pinstripe suit often elicits a sophisticated vibe and has become an integral part of western fashion. Pinstripes have become a staple of women’s wardrobes, featured in business suits, dresses and pants.

I find pinstripe pantsuits on women to look especially classic when a necktie is also worn with the suit. With this masculine ensemble, if you add high heels, dainty jewelry and you wear your hair up in a fancy style, this masculine/feminine appearance is stunning!

Pantsuits are comfy and chic. Easy to move in and easy on the eyes!


I love the cut of these pants!

If you are feeling particularly creative, retro style pantsuits and modern, hip pantsuits with a visionary flair, pulling a bit away from the traditional business look, are a fun, sassy way to go!


There’s no limit to the cut, taper and style of pantsuit available in today’s fashion market! A pantsuit is out there somewhere with your name on it, and every woman’s closet should contain at least one pantsuit. It is inevitable that you will be invited to an event or to a function where a knock-out pantsuit will hold just the fashion punch that you need to be draped in the wonder and flair that is you!


Flatter your fashion fancy with a head turning pantsuit!

Anything goes, so toss aside your pantyhose, and cover your legs in trousers or pants, and your arms in a matching jacket or coat!

Fashion dares to push the envelope. So, suit yourself in your selected mode of preferred pantsuit!

You’ll be styling!

Author Nancy Mangano is the author of two novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Nancy has blended her love of investigatory work and her hopeless addiction to style in her books. Visit Nancy at her author website at, her author/style blog at, Twitter @nancymangano and her author Facebook page Nancy Mangano.


About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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