Cheating On Your Partner? Don’t Get Caught!

Cheating on your Partner? Don’t Get Caught!

Nancy Mangano’s novel, A Passion for Prying, delves into the world of private investigation!

Anaheim, CA (Vocus/PRWEB)

Adultery, immorality and…hilarity?

For Private Investigator Natalie North, these three are seldom separated in her experiences at I Pry, Inc. Now, as the target of a botched homicide, she’ll have to add murder and suicide to that list.

In A Passion for Prying, by criminal justice enthusiast Nancy Mangano, readers follow the sassy PI in her business of busting adulterous partners. And while no one can catch a cheating husband faster, Natalie is ready for a bigger challenge.


When a murder-suicide takes place at a nearby diner, Natalie finally has a chance to prove herself. But does she have what it takes? A Passion for Prying is a spicy read packed with witty humor and a touch of the risqué.

On a mission to solve the murder of this young couple, Natalie abandons her normally cautious habits and winds up in some trouble of her own. A few weeks into the case, she realizes she may be uncovering the plot behind her own murder.

Behind the scenes, Natalie is torn between Darren McAllister, the hotshot L.A. deputy district attorney, and Jett Jaso, the handsome Hollywood actor. Unable to choose, Natalie weaves an even deeper web of intrigue, danger and passion.

“I had so much fun writing this book and I want readers to have fun also. A Passion for Prying is a feel-good, fun read. It’s like eating a delicious, sinful hot fudge sundae – pure fun and indulgence,” says Mangano.

About the Author:

Nancy Mangano has a bachelor’s degree in communications and an associate’s degree in criminal justice. Her familiarity with crime and detective work add to the accuracy of A Passion for Prying. She was also employed at the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department for five years. Much like her main character, Nancy enjoys fashion, style and makeup.  

Follow her fashion/style blog at,  her author website, Twitter @nancymangano and her author Facebook page Nancy Mangano.

About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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