Crochet Your Way Into Fancy Fashion!

Crocheted clothes are, to sum them up in one word, fancy! Even a casual item, such as a pair of shorts or a skirt, can be elevated to a more dressy, feminine level merely by being crocheted.

Crocheted clothes are pretty, dainty and elegant, but are generally hardy enough to hold up when washed in a washing machine on a delicate/gentle cycle using cold water.

Crocheting is a process of creating fabric from yarn, thread or other material strands using a crochet hook. Crochet hooks come in many sizes and materials, such as bone, bamboo, aluminum, plastic and steel. Sizing is categorized by the diameter of the hook’s shaft, and a crafter aims to create stitches of a certain size in order to reach a particular gauge specified in a given pattern.

When it comes to crocheted clothes, fashion takes a step forward. Many designs can be formulated through the crochet stitching, and the patterns can be tightly crocheted together, or crocheted more loosely, more resembling lace garments.

When dresses, tops, skirts, etc. are crocheted using both crocheting stitches as well as lace, the look is, well, lovely!




The word crochet is derived from the French word “crochet”, meaning hook. Crocheting, like knitting, consists of pulling loops through other loops, but additionally incorporating wrapping the working material around the hook one or more times.

Crochet Fun Fact: Crochet differs from knitting in that with crocheting, only one stitch is active at one time, stitches made with the same diameter of yarn are comparably taller, and a single crochet hook is used instead of two knitting needles. Also, crochet has its own system of symbols to represent stitch types.

Knitting can be accomplished by a machine, while most crochet stitches can only be crafted by hand.

Fashions in crochet are flowing and fabulously exquisite!



Fashion enthusiasts state that crocheted clothing evolved from traditional practices in Iran, South America and China, but there is no historical decisive evidence of the craft being performed before its popularity in Europe during the 19th century. The earliest written reference to crochet refers to slip stitch crochet/shepherd’s knitting from The Memoirs of a Highland Lady by Elizabeth Grant in the 19th century. Some claim that the first published crochet patterns appeared in the Dutch magazine Penelope in 1824. Crochet patterns have recently been found in the Swedish magazine Konst och nyhetsmagasin for medborgare av alla klasser from the year 1819, discarding the 1824 theory.

Wherever crochet originated on the garment scene, we are glad that it did. Bright, colorful yarns crocheted into stylish clothing make for some beautiful bodies of fashion fancy!



I find crocheted shorts and skirts to be glamour girl gorgeous! Casual and chic rolled into one piece of clothing! Drape yourself in a crocheted long dress and feel womanly and comfortable at the same time.

Depending on the style of the crocheted garment, and the stitch, either a nice pair of high heeled shoes or an elegant sandal will really help to offset the look of the outfit and blend your scrumptious ensemble together perfectly, for a sleek, sensual aura!


As I mentioned in my lace blog post (Lusciously Lovely in Lace) I simply adore feminine, soft, pretty tops or blouses when worn with denim jeans (either straight legged jeans or flared jeans). Since denim is a rugged, tough material, the dainty look of lace or crochet when worn with the denim provides a stunningly stylish contrast. Much like leather and lace when the two fabrics are blended together!


Add some crocheted accessories to go along with your already vogue, modern clothing ensemble, and you’ll be ready to step out in style!


Did you think that crocheted clothing is only for females? Think again. Many men wear crocheted cardigans with regal class.

Real men aren’t afraid to spend their day wrapped up in crochet!



Crochet Fashion Tip: When crocheting clothes, the thickness or weight of the yarn or material being used is a significant factor in determining the gauge, i.e., how many stitches and rows are required to cover a given stitch pattern. Thicker yarns require large-diameter crochet hooks, whereas thinner yarns may be crocheted with thick or thin hooks.

Crocheting can give birth to some unique yet utterly gorgeous gowns and other garments!




The type of yarns and materials used to crochet clothing items can make or break the look of the garments. When purchasing crocheted clothes, washability and colorfastness should be taken into consideration. The comfort factor, appearance, color, sheen, smoothness and ornamental features of the design and weave of the garments will be a major factor in purchasing crocheted clothing that is off of the charts sizzling!





Filling your closet with a few items made from crochet will add glimmer and glam to your wardrobe. Crochet works in all types of weather! The heavier and closer stitched the crochet clothing is, the warmer you will stay. On hot summer days, more open, lighter stitches of crochet will allow your body to breathe, helping you to stay cooler.

Crocheted clothing rules!  When you adorn your beautiful body in fabulous, feminine stitches of crochet, you will look “hot” and you will look “cool”!  You will always look “trendy” and “in”, not old school!

In fashion, when the fluff and the frills are stripped away, what is the underlying certainty? The underlying fact is that in fashion, comfort is so overrated!

Crochet your way into fancy fashion. Can you say doll yourself up in the magnificence that is crochet and walk this way?


Fancy and flirty crocheted clothing is here to stay!

Author Nancy Mangano is the author of two novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Nancy has woven her love of detective work along with her fabulous flair for fashion into her books. Visit Nancy on her author website at, her author/fashion/style blog, Twitter @nancymangano and her author “like” Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano.

About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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