Spectacular Clothes to Paint the Town and Party Down!

I’m in a fun, party down kind of a mood! Today, I feel good, rested and grateful! I should go out on the town to celebrate and enjoy my upbeat mood, but I have a chicken cooking in the oven, and I’m sitting here at my computer, wearing a pink furry bathrobe as a jacket (over my clothes)!

That’s a far cry from the glitz and glam clothes that I am going to showcase in this blog post. The garments that I am going to highlight today are party clothes, and would work splendidly for New Year’s Eve. Since New Year’s Eve will be here in a mere five weeks, let’s dress to party like it’s 2014!

Be the 2014 party queen and enjoy the twinkled, sequins, shimmer and shine! Be all the rage at the party scene!


Let your effervescent clothes make the entrance! You will never exit anyone’s mind!

Spectacular clothes to paint the town and party down!



I know that many of you are shoe lovers, much like myself. For me, the higher the heel, the better the shoe. Even if you prefer flats or low heeled shoes, or sneakers, there are certain clothes that demand a high heeled shoe. No other type of a shoe will do! And that, for all fashion divas, holds true when your clothes sparkle and glitter on fabulous you.

Perhaps a pair of these shoes will do nicely and interest you:



Would you like your backside to make more of an entrance than your front side? Warning: If you wear one of these stunning garments, expect people to stand behind you and talk to the back of your head (with their eyes elsewhere)!


Twinkle, twinkle you beautiful star! You are the loveliest dressed women in the room, by far!

Light up a room merely by your va va voom, sparkly clothes!

Who knows, you just may light up someone’s life!


Sparkly Clothes Fun Fact: Sparkly, bubbly, glowing clothes attract attention! If you prefer to not be seen, remain inconspicuous, or remain anonymous while out in public, do not drape your glorious body parts in clothes that shimmer and illuminate.

However, if you want to sparkle, pop and wow and zing, much like an aged bottle of expensive wine, then by all means, dress to shine! You will look simply divine!



I must pay tribute to this French actress and trend setting fashion icon! Brigitte Bardot!Image


I realize that these clothes displayed in this blog post are not what most people would consider day-to-day wear. That is precisely what makes these clothes spectacular! They stand out, can be thought of as over the top, not practical and too flamboyant!

That is what forward fashion stands for! Amazing, alluring, artistic and all intriguing!

I say that if it is going to make your day to shimmy and shine away, then by all means, play!


The world is your stage. Live your life that fabulous way!

Seize the day and dress up your own individual way!

Hooray for high fashion!


Author Nancy Mangano is the author of two Natalie North murder mystery novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Nancy has mixed her love of detective work and her passion for fashion into her books. Visit Nancy on her author website http://www.nancymangano.com, her fashion/style/beauty/book blog http://www.passionforprying.wordpress.com, Twitter @nancymangano and her author “like” Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano.


About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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2 Responses to Spectacular Clothes to Paint the Town and Party Down!

  1. sheila says:

    Can U please tell me the designers for the sequin & feather dress. The one’s with the low back dresses.


    • Hi Sheila,

      Bebe and Sue Wong have great collections of sequin and feather, low back dresses. Try bebe.com and suewong.com for that dress, or similar dresses. Thanks for reading my style blog.

      Nancy Mangano


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