She may have wore blue velvet, but velvet makes for a knock-out garment material in all sorts of colors.  Not only does velvet have a distinctive look, but the soft fabric has a feel all its own.

Velvet is a type of woven fabric in which the cut threads are evenly distributed, with a short dense pile, giving it the noteworthy feel.  Velvet is woven on a special loom that weaves two thicknesses of the material at the same time. The two pieces are then cut apart to create the pile effect, and the two lengths of fabric are wound on separate take-up rolls.

Velvet – Cool, Suave, Soft, Elegant!


Velvet Fun Fact: The word velvety means “smooth like velvet.” Velvet can be made from either synthetic or natural fibers.

The material velvet can make an ordinary pantsuit or dress look and feel extraordinary!

Velvet pile is created by wrap or vertical yarns and velveteen pile is created by weft or fill yarns. Never knew making velvet could be so complicated? Ah, but the final product is worth the manufacturing effort hands down.

Velvet Not So Fun Fact: Well-made velvet tends to be a costly fabric. Also, velvet can be difficult to clean because of its pile. Like I’ve said, fashion isn’t always practical, but it is always worth it!

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Velvet can be made from several different kinds of fibers. The most expensive? Silk. Velvet made entirely from silk has market prices of several hundred U.S. dollars per yard. Other materials that make great velvet are cotton, linen, mohair and wool. Synthetic velvets are also used to make clothing and velvet accessories, the most notable being polyester, nylon, viscose, acetate and/or a combination.

Whether you’re strutting your stuff down the catwalk, or strutting your stuff while walking your cat, you’ll be strutting your stuff in style when dressed in gorgeous velvet! You’ll turn heads and attract smiles!

Velvet Fun Fact: Velvet is associated with nobility. Velvet was introduced to Baghdad during the rule of Harun al-Rashid by Kashmiri merchants and to Al-Andalus by Ziryab. In the Mamluk era, Cairo was the world’s largest producer of velvet.

The most royal color of all velvets? Purple, of course!


Velvet makes for great garments, whether it be pants, skirts, suits, dresses, purses or shoes. Do you think velvet only looks grand on a gal? Dress a man in velvet and watch him strut just as well!


Velvet History Fun Fact: The art of velvet weaving originated in the Far East, and it wasn’t until the beginning of the 14th century that history finds any mention of the textile. The earliest sources of European artistic velvets were Lucca, Genoa, Florence and Venice, which continued to send out rich velvet textures.

Whether you dress in fine velvet of purple, blue or green, when draped in the softness of velvet you’ll feel and look like like a queen!

Some Common Types of Velvet Are:

  1. Chiffon – A lightweight velvet on a sheer silk or chiffon base.
  2. Crushed – Produced by pressing the fabric down in different directions.
  3. Embossed – A metal roller is used to heat-stamp the fabric.
  4. Mirror – A type of exceptionally soft and light crushed velvet.
  5. Pile-On-Pile – A luxurious type of velvet woven with piles of differing heights to create a pattern.
  6. Plain – Typically made of cotton.
  7. Velveteen – Imitation velvet, normally made from a combination of cotton and silk.




A word to the fashion wise: Dress in velvet – soft to the touch and soft on the eyes!

Velvet Fashion Tip: If wearing an entire outfit made of velvet is too dressy for you, only wear one item of velvet. Are you attending an event where you want to appear dressy/casual? Perhaps a cotton blouse tucked in a pair of velvet slacks will do. Even that’s too dressy? Then how about denim jeans and a sporty top, but add a velvet hat or carry a velvet purse? And velvet pumps or velvet boots knock any outfit up a notch or two!

One item of velvet can knock your outfit up sky high!


Come on, what are you waiting for? Give wearing velvet a try!

Him: “My, oh my. You are a sight for sore eyes dressed in velvet so fine!”

Her: “I have to agree with you, sir, but that’s a weak pick up line!”

Author Nancy Mangano is the author of two riveting Natalie North murder mystery novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Nancy has blended her interest in detective work and her passion for fashion into her books. Visit Nancy on her author website, her fashion/style/beauty/book blog, Twitter @nancymangano and her author Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano.

About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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