Best Dressed in Your Sequins of Events!


I guess that my parents got it right when they named me Nancy, as far as rhymes go. I did indeed, in the realm of fashion, turn out to be a fancy Nancy. I love elegant, fancy, sparkly, delicate, chic clothes. Elan trumps casual when it comes to my personal dress code, and that is merely my own preference.

In fashion, as in life, to each their own and to thine own self be true! Style to me is something that is in my blood, a facet of life that brings me extreme enjoyment. I hope the same for you!

In this season of raising the bar on fancy, add some twinkle to yourself and some sparkle to your style with fabulous, sensual sequin garments!

Sequins are disk shaped beads used for decorative purposes. In earlier centuries, sequins were made from shiny metals. Today, most sequins are made from plastic…

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About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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