Cuckoo and Crazy for Cool Crocheted Clothes!

Okay, so maybe the word “cuckoo” for crocheted clothes is a bit overrated, but hey, when something great comes along, you might as well go cuckoo with joy…we all need a thrill once in awhile.

When I was a girl growing up, I was, as the saying goes, literally cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! I ate the delicious chocolate cereal almost every morning (yes, my mom let my sister and I eat sugar stuffed cereals) and sometimes for a snack when I got home from school. I remember my dad telling me that I ate so much Cocoa Puffs that he wouldn’t be surprised if one day I turned into a cocoa puff. Glad to say now that I didn’t become one, but I still remember how much I loved eating Cocoa Puffs! (I even ate them at my grandpa and grandma’s house)!

Now, I’ve switched my love to fashion (among other things) and one popular style item that I always find chic and comfortable are crocheted clothes (but I still have a sweet tooth)!


Crochet is a process of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn, thread, or strands of other materials using a crochet hook. The name is derived from the French term “crochet”, meaning ‘small hook’. Crochet hooks are made of materials such as metal, wood or plastic and are manufactured commercially and produced in artisan workshops.

Although crocheted clothing looks similar to knitted clothing, the difference is in their production. Also, each stitch in crochet is completed before proceeding with the next stitch, while knitting keeps a large number of stitches open at a time.

Crocheted garments emit an aura of femininity, daintiness and class!

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Crochet Fun Fact: The word Crochet was used in 17th century lace making, crochetage designating a stitch used to join separate pieces of lace, and crochet subsequently designating both a specific type of fabric and the hooked needle used to produce it.

The first known published instructions for crochet appeared in the Dutch magazine, Penelope, in 1823. This includes a color plate showing five different style purses, of which three were intended to be crocheted with silk thread. The steps were: simple open crochet; semi-open crochet; and double crochet.

Whether you crochet your own clothing or you buy crocheted items already made, when you step outside in chic crochet you’ll look “fashion ready made!”

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Crocheted clothing gives off a relaxed and elegant look and feel to the wearer. The same item of clothing can appear casual or dressy, depending on how you choose to accessorize. The best way to top off a great garment made of crochet? Why not wear a crazy cute crocheted hat on your darling head?

Crochet Fun Fact: The basic materials required for crocheting your own clothes are a crochet hook and some type of material that will be crocheted, most commonly yarn or thread. You may also want to include cardboard cutouts, which can be used to make tassels, fringe, pom-pom circles, etc. You’ll also need a tape measure and a gauge measure for counting stitches and a row counter.

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Five Types of Crocheted Stitches:

  1. Chain Stitch – The most basic of all stitches and used to begin most projects.
  2. Slip Stitch – Used to join chain stitches to form a ring.
  3. Single Crochet Stitch – The easiest basic stitch to master.
  4. Half Double Crochet Stitch – The ‘in-between” stitch.
  5. Double Crochet Stitch.

Advanced Crochet Stitches:

  1. Shell Stitch
  2. V Stitch
  3. Spike Stitch
  4. Afghan Stitch
  5. Butterfly Stitch
  6. Popcorn Stitch
  7. Crocodile Stitch

We’ve all heard the cliché “A stitch in time saves nine!” How about, “A crocheted item one stitch at a time ends up with a fabulous garment that looks divine!”

Dress to the nines in classy crochet!

You rock that crochet your own special way!

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Crochet Charity Cool Fun Fact: It is common for people and groups to crochet clothing and other garments and then donate them to soldiers during war. People have also crocheted clothing and donated the items to hospitals, for both sick patients and newborn babies.

In addition to the above, generous people crochet hats and donate them to cancer treatment centers (known as “chemo caps”), for those undergoing chemotherapy. During the month of October, pink hats and scarves are crocheted and proceeds are donated to breast cancer funds.

Collective, cool and charming in crocheted duds!


Crochet Fashion Tip: One of the great features of crocheted clothing is that the recognizable stitch works well with both fall/winter clothing and spring/summer wear. With the knit-like fabric that allows the material to breathe through the almost open stitches, you get the heavier material generally worn in winter with the open, cool look of fabrics popular in summer all wrapped into one festive piece of clothing!


Cuckoo and crazy for cool crocheted clothing!

Whether you prefer to stick to one solid color or doll yourself up in colorful crochet, it’s your unique fashion style and choice that matters every day!

“Your dress looks airy and delightful with lots of little tiny holes.”

“You admire my crocheted dress? The open fabric rock and rolls.”

“The look is contemporary and modern with a mix of old fashioned doily fun.”

“Yes, you see crocheted oven mits, and in fashion, clothes for rain or sun.”

“Did you crochet the dress yourself or did you buy it at the store?”

“Neither. I contacted a well known fashion designer and he shipped it to my door!”

Crocheted Clothing: Always fabulous, always breezy, I think I’ll buy me more!


Nancy Mangano is an American fashion journalist and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Visit Nancy on her author website, Twitter @, her fashion magazine Strutting in Style! at, and her Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano















About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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