Step Out In (Not On) Your Blue Suede Shoes!


Shoes…a girl can’t have enough! As I write this post, my feet are covered by a gorgeous, comfortable, high-heeled mix of shoe and ankle boot, and yes, they are suede.

Okay, black suede, not blue, but I don’t want anyone to step on my black suede shoes! Ouch, and you might scuff the velvety finish.

Suede is a type of leather with a napped finish, commonly used for jackets, shoes, shirts, purses, furniture and other items.  Suede leather is made from the underside of the hide, usually lamb, although goat and calf are sometimes used. However, to save animals, suede is often a man made, manufactured fabric with a brushed or napped finish to resemble suede leather.


Suede Fun Fact: The term suede comes from the French “gants de Suede” which means “Swedish gloves.” Suede fabric was originally used for women’s gloves.

Suede gives a softer appearance of crushed velvet…

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About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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