Flowers have long been admired by humans to beautify the environment, and also as objects representing romance, ritual, religion and medicine. The Spring season has long been admired as a season of rebirth, life, sunshine and abundant flowers.

Fashion is an easy, excellent way to change how we feel, mentally and physically. Wearing lighter, brighter colors can make us feel lively and upbeat, while dressing in dark winter colors can make us feel more subdued. As we bring on the spring season, fill your world and your closet with colorful, youthful, playful, uplifting floral fabrics.

Floral fabric flower power!


Flower Fun Fact: A flower, sometimes known as a blossom or bloom, is the reproductive structure found in plants that are floral. The biological function of the flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers contain sporangia and are the site where gametophytes develop. Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen. After fertilization, the ovary of the flower develops into fruit containing seeds.

Step into spring in festive floral fabrics!




Floral print clothing looks elegant, summery, pretty and stunning!

Flower Fun Fact: A flower develops on a modified shoot or axis from a determinate apical meristem (determinate meaning the axis grows to a set size). It has compressed internodes, bearing structures that in classical plant morphology are interpreted as highly modified leaves. Detailed developmental studies, however, have shown that stamens are often initiated more or less like modified stems that in some cases may even resemble shoots. Taking into account the whole diversity in the development of the androecium of flowering plants, we find a continuum between modified leaves, modified stems and modified shoots.

In addition to floral fabrics, floral design includes making wreaths, nosegays, garlands, festoons, floral displays, boutonnieres, corsages and bows.

Flowers to the left, flowers to the right. Everywhere I look, a lovely flower sight!



Floral Design Fun Fact: Floral design, or flower arrangement, is the art of using plant materials and flowers to create a pleasing and balanced composition. Evidence of refined floristry is found as far back as the culture of Ancient Egypt. Professionally designed floral designs, arrangements or artwork incorporate the elements of floral design: line, form, space, texture, and color, and the principles of floral design: balance, proportion, rhythm, contrast, harmony and unity. Creates a beautiful flowery masterpiece!

Many flowers have important symbolic meanings in Western culture. The practice of assigning meanings to flowers is known as floriography.

Common Symbolic Flower Meanings:

  1. Red roses are given as a symbol of love, beauty and passion.
  2. Poppies are a symbol of consolation in time of death. In the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, red poppies are worn to commemorate soldiers who have died in times of war.
  3. Irises/Lilies are used in burials as a symbol referring to “resurrection/life”. It is also associated with stars (sun) and its petals blooming/shining.
  4. Daisies are a symbol of innocence.

Look feminine and like a true glamour girl when dressed in a mirage of flowers and pearls!


Because of their varied and colorful appearance, flowers have long been a favorite subject of visual artists. Some of the most celebrated paintings from well-known painters are of flowers, such as Van Gogh’s sunflowers series or Monet’s water lilies. Flowers are also dried, freeze dried and pressed in order to create permanent, three-dimensional pieces of flower art.

Flower Fun Fact: The Roman goddess of flowers, gardens, and the season of Spring is Flora. The Greek goddess of Spring, flowers and nature is Chloris. In Hindu mythology, flowers have a significant status. Vishnu, one of the three major gods in the Hindu system, is often depicted standing straight on a lotus flower.

Crave it hour after hour…flower power!



Winter, spring, summer and fall. Every season gives a true fashion diva an opportunity to wear floral prints…one and all!

Events and Functions Where Flowers are Used Around the World:

  1. For new births or christenings.
  2. As a corsage or boutonniere worn at social functions or for holidays.
  3. As tokens of love and esteem.
  4. For wedding bouquets and reception decorations.
  5. As gifts of remembrance and celebrations.
  6. For funerals and expressions of sympathy for the grieving.
  7. For friendship.

Flowers are so attractive and so beautiful that people often grow flowers around their homes, dedicate entire parts of their living space to flower gardens, pick wildflowers, or buy flowers from florists. Do I hear Valentine’s Day, anyone?

Dress like you’re ready for a day in the sun covered in floral fabrics that look fabulous on everyone!



Diane Von Furstenberg, Ready to Wear, SS 2012, New York

When draped in floral fabrics of neon colors and style, you’ll radiate glamour and loads of sunshine for miles and miles!

“Today is such a lovely spring day I think I’ll stop and buy some flowers after work.”

“I have a better idea for a glamour girl. Why not invest in a floral dress or skirt?”

“That’s a marvelous idea. Something to wear will last much longer than a living flower.”

“Although fresh flowers will bring a smile to your face, they won’t last much longer than an hour.”

“I’ll treat myself to the mall tonight. I have the entire floral outfit in my head.”

“A floral silk blouse, black stilettos, a flowery belt and pencil skirt with roses of red.”

Wear floral prints: the festive clothing is sure to bring you a smile that will last a long, long while.

Nancy Mangano photoshoot

Nancy’s next book in her award winning murder mystery series, Deadly Decisions – A Natalie North Novel, available now in online and retail bookstores.

Nancy Mangano is an American fashion journalist and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy. Visit Nancy on her author website, Twitter @, her fashion magazine Strutting in Style! at, and her Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano




About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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