Man, Oh Man, What a Suit Wearing Woman!


One positive, crucial element of the fashion world is that certain clothing can be worn by both males and females, and the polished look is strikingly stylish. Androgynous (exhibiting both male and female traits) trends and styles can be pulled off to fashion elegance, and the tuxedo suit, along with some types of business suits, is a prime example of this male/female phenomenon!

A tuxedo, or dinner jacket, is a formal evening suit distinguished primarily by satin or grosgrain facing on the jacket’s lapels and buttons, and a similar stripe along the outseam of the trousers. The suit is typically black and commonly worn with a formal shirt, shoes and other accessories, most traditionally in the form prescribed by the black tie dress code.

A suit is a set of garments made from the same cloth, consisting of a jacket and trousers. There are variations in design, cut and material…

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About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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