For most high schoolers, May is the month of gearing up to study for finals, planning summer vacations and celebrating that the school year is coming to a close by attending the famous dance known as “prom.”

A prom is a semi-formal (black tie) dance or gathering of high school students. The prom is typically held near the end of the junior and senior year. Proms figure greatly in popular culture and are major events among high school students. The event is often a combined junior/senior dance.

A popular tradition at prom, besides exchanging corsages and boutonnieres, are formal, gorgeous, glorious dresses and gowns to be worn by the females.


Prom Fun Fact: At a prom, a Prom King and Prom Queen may be revealed. These are honorary titles awarded to students elected in a school-wide vote prior to the prom, and these titles are generally awarded to seniors. Other students may be honored with inclusion in a “Prom Court.” The Prom King and Prom Queen are often given crowns to wear. Members of the Prom Court may be given sashes to wear and photographed together.

In the early days of high school proms, the nighttime dance served a function similar to a debutante ball. Early proms were times of firsts: the first adult social event for teenagers; the first time taking the family car or fancy limousine out after dark; the first real dress up affair, etc., similar to a milestone event such as a First Holy Communion or a wedding.


Prom Fun Fact: Usage of the term ‘prom’ is becoming more common around the world and appears to be a colloquial and regional practice. Formal English usage suggests “Prom” is a noun and should be preceded by an article, although it is often not a practice. “Prom” is a shortened version of promenade.

Popular Prom Attire:

  1. Girls wear traditional ladies’ dresses or evening gowns and adorn themselves with fancy jewelry such as earrings and a necklace. Girls often wear perfume, makeup, lipstick and blush. Girls also wear a corsage (either wrist or pin-on) given to them by their prom dates. Many times girls have their hair professionally styled for their big night.
  2. Boys often dress in black or white formal wear, sometimes paired with ties or bow ties with vests, in some cases in colors matching their date’s dress. Boys are given matching boutonnieres to be worn on their lapels by their dates.


Prom Fun Fact: After the prom, parents or a community may host a “prom after-party” at a restaurant, entertainment venue or a student’s home. Other traditions often include trips to nearby attractions, such as amusement parks, regional or local parks, or family or rented vacation houses. Some of these post-prom events are chaperoned and some are unsupervised. Most after-prom events are held at the school, and involve bringing entertainment such as interactive games, artists and other entertainers to the school.

Always follow the golden rule: dress off the charts glam for the Prom held at school!




Prom Fun Fact: The concept of extending prom to homeschooled students has increased in recent years. Although some school districts in the United States and Canada allow homeschool students to attend prom in the school district where they reside, many homeschool groups also organize their own proms. Some states, such as Oregon, Ohio, Georgia, Tennessee and Michigan also host statewide homeschool proms, which any homeschool student is welcome to attend. Glorious!

Primped and poised for a perfect prom!

Although all of these prom dresses are beautiful, I am particularly fond of this off-the-shoulder, sleek dress in the baby doll pink. I love the dainty look, the silk fabric and the mermaid style cut! Stunning!


The custom of the high school prom exists in many parts of the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Africa, Asia, the Honduras, Peru, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago and most Caribbean countries, Uruguay and many others.

Prom Fun Fact: While high school year books didn’t start covering proms and including prom pictures until the 1930s and 1940s, historians believe proms have existed in high schools as early as the 19th century. The prom has since taken on a larger-than-life meaning for high school students.



As people gained more money and leisure time, proms have become more extravagant and elaborate. Junior and senior proms are often held at hotel ballrooms and country clubs, as opposed to the school gymnasium. Where arriving in a compact or standard car was once acceptable, luxury cars and limousines often transports high schoolers today. In some ways, the prom has become the pinnacle of high school events in a student’s life.

Be prom smart, dress the stylish, fashionable, gorgeous, sensational part!


Step into an evening of the high life…dress and dance away the stress and strife of homework and daily life.

“I find you to be extremely caring and nice.”

“I fit the stereotype of  a girl? Made of sugar and spice?”

“I would be honored  if you would accompany me to the Prom as my date.”

“I’m thrilled to accept your invitation. I’m excited and can hardly wait.”

“When you select your gown let me know the colors so we can match.”

“We’ll make a fabulous, fashionable pair. With you I have a great catch!”

Dress prom perfect: Steal the fashion scene from the king and queen!


Nancy’s next book in her award winning murder mystery series, Deadly Decisions – A Natalie North Novel, available now in online and retail bookstores.

Nancy Mangano is an American fashion journalist, screenwriter and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series, A Passion for Prying, Murder Can Be Messy and Deadly Decisions – A Natalie North Novel. Visit Nancy on her author website, Twitter @, her fashion magazine Strutting in Style! at, and her Facebook fan page Nancy Mangano







About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
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