With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching, one sure way to enjoy and match your mood to the festive atmosphere is to doll up in the warm, glowing seasonal colors of oranges and golds. Sometimes it is fun to match and coordinate your makeup color combinations with the weather, your outfit, your mood, etc. Why not match it to the holiday!

Although I am one to experiment with makeup and feel that whichever color choices are preferred by the wearer are the right color combos, I think that gold eye shadows (whether glittered, cream or powder) and bold, ornamental orange lips look splendid together and absolutely smashing!

Eye Shadow Fun Fact: Eye shadow is a cosmetic that is applied on the eyelids and under the eyebrows. Eye shadow is commonly used to make the wearer’s eyes stand out or look more attractive. Eye shadow can add depth and dimension to one’s eyes, complement the eye color, make one’s eyes appear larger, or simply draw attention to the eyes. Eye shadow is usually made from a powder and mica, but can also be found in liquid, pencil, cream or mousse form.

Lipstick Fun Fact: Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes and emollients that apply color, texture and protection to the lips. Wax provides the structure to the solid lipstick. Lipsticks may be made from several waxes such as beeswax, ozokerite and candelilla wax. Because of its high melting point, Carnauba wax is the key ingredient in terms of strengthening the lipstick. Various oils and fats are used in lipstick, such as olive oil, mineral oil, cocoa butter, lanolin and petrolatum.

Nancy Mangano’s Makeup Tip: When it comes to the eyes and the lips, gold eye shadows and orange lipsticks appear alluring, warm and hip! I highly recommend you try it!

Gold Fun Fact: The color gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the psychology of the color implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance!

Radiate and luxuriate your face in glowing, glorious, gorgeous gold eye shadow tones!

Orange Fun Fact: The color orange radiates warmth and happiness, combining the physical energy and stimulation of red with the cheerfulness of yellow. Orange offers emotional strength in difficult times. The bold, bright, upbeat color helps us bounce back from disappointment and despair, assisting in recovery from grief.

Coat your luscious lips with opulent orange shades and turn your frown upside down. A kissable orange mouth stands out in any crowd!

If bright golds and oranges are too much for you and you adore the color scheme but prefer a more toned down look, you can still stick to fabulous, fashionable golds and oranges with these various shades of the colors:

Various Shades of the Color Gold:

  1. Light Brown
  2. Beige
  3. Bronze
  4. Tan

Various Shades of the Color Orange:

  1. Peach
  2. Golden Orange
  3. Amber
  4. Burnt Orange
  5. Tangerine

The warm effects of orange and gold! Eye shadow and lipstick combinations to behold!

Depending on your skin tone (light/fair, medium, olive, dark) gold and orange makeup combinations work well and both enhance and bring out your features. Gold shades of eye shadows look rich, regal and trendy. Orange lips look the bomb (much like a classic red painted lip) and can be noticed clear across the room!

Lipstick Fun Fact: Lipstick is such a powerful cosmetic, being both sensual and sexual. Ancient Sumerian men and women were probably the first to invent and wear lipstick, about 5,000 years ago. They crushed gemstones and used them to decorate their faces, mainly on the lips and around the eyes. Also around 3000 BC to 1500 BC, women in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization applied red tinted lipstick to their face for decoration. Ancient Egyptians wore lipstick to show social status rather than gender.

Eye Shadow Fun Fact: Eye shadow can be applied in a wide variety of ways, depending upon the desired look and formulation. Typically application is done using fingers or brushes. The most important aspect of applying eye shadow, especially if you are applying more than one color, is to blend well. You desire an over the top dramatic look? Then don’t blend the colors at all, let each color stand out bold on its own!

Lipstick Fashion Tip: If you prefer a dry, more drawn out mouth, use a matte lipstick. If you prefer the wet look, go with a lip gloss. To avoid bleeding and to accentuate the mouth, line your upper and bottom lips with a matching lip liner pencil (or similar shade) to shape and highlight your mouth!

Oh, give me that joyous, sexy, appealing, sensual orange pout! That’s what I’m talking about!

Positive Traits of the Color Gold:

  1. Success
  2. Abundance
  3. Wealth
  4. Understanding
  5. Self-Worth
  6. Wisdom
  7. Compassion
  8. Love
  9. Passion
  10. Charisma

Positive Traits of the Color Orange:

  1. Sociable
  2. Optimistic
  3. Enthusiastic
  4. Cheerful
  5. Independent
  6. Flamboyant
  7. Extroverted
  8. Adventurous
  9. Risk Taker
  10. Warm Hearted

Excellent associated traits for excellent colors of makeup choices! Righteous glamour!

Gold eye shadows and orange lips for autumn/fall is one of the most gorgeous cosmetic color schemes of all!

“Your mesmerizing eyes are speaking to me and your luscious lips I want to kiss!”

“I credit the allure to my gold tone eye shadow and my orange lips you can’t miss.”

“Your face radiates and looks like your complexion and features have been kissed by the sun.”

“Wearing gold tones with orange tones is by far a fabulous color combination on anyone.”

“Can I follow you home or go together to a salon where I can paint up in gold and orange too?”

“I’m flattered that you want to copy me, but great choice, these colors will look simply grand on you.”

Gold Eye Shadows and Orange Lips: I truly hope you both try and enjoy my wonderful makeup tips!

Nancy Mangano is an American beauty/fashion/style influencer, fashion journalist, screenwriter and author of the Natalie North murder mystery book series. Visit Nancy on her global online fashion/style/beauty magazine Strutting in Style! at, her Facebook page Nancy Mangano at  Twitter @ and her author website




About authornancymangano

Nancy Mangano resides in Orange County, CA. She has blended her love of detective work and style in her novels, A Passion for Prying and Murder Can Be Messy.
This entry was posted in American Fashion Journalist Nancy Mangano, Author Nancy Mangano, Beauty, Beauty/Fashion/Style Influencer Nancy Mangano, Books, Entertainment, Fashion, fashion magazine, Glamour, novelist, Novels, Screenplay Writer, Style and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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